Time: 7:00pm
Kids are in bed and I have to work on my paper I’ve been putting it off too long.
Ok but first I need to pick this loose thread off my shirt… It may take hours it’s a very stubborn thread. It’s been bothering me for weeks every time I wear this shirt but I’ve been putting that off too.
No… I will not cut it with scissors I have to get to the root of the problem or it will only come back!
Oh look what the cat’s doing! I must Snap this! But first let me Snap something about my paper so people will be impressed that I’m working so hard on it…
[Long period of staring into space and panicking about not finishing paper]
Ok how about I search for more literature? The 173 articles I already downloaded and neatly grouped into a folder marked “literature folder # 57” just don’t seem to be giving me what I need…
Hey this isn’t about identity conflict of working mothers in the Middle East! This says “working girls”!
[Reads more feminist literature on prostitution in the Roman Empire]
Interesting as this is (NOT!) I should really get back to my paper. Best thing to do is to take each article separately and make my notes.
[Opens first article and reads the abstract]
Hey what was that noise!? Oh it’s my stomach… better get something to eat.
“Hello? Il Capo Pizza?”
[Re-reads abstract]
Darn bladder! I shouldn’t have had so much coffee! But it does enhance my cognitive abilities so its fine I’ll just go real quick.
[Re-re-reads abstract]
[Opens blank Word document]
[Stares at blinking cursor]
Hey I should write a blog post about staring at the blinking cursor! Maybe style it as a cross between Seinfeld and The Simpsons… but no, I must focus! The brilliant blog post can wait.
[Re-re-re-reads abstract]
Yay pizza’s here! I’m due for a break anyway I’ve been at it for too long…
Time: 7:08